By North America's (and my) favourite cell phone novelist! TAKATSU from Toronto made an EP a while back and I've been meaning to get him to send me a copy~ so I finally did it in June according to the little note he wrote with it (Sorry it took me so long to write this!) There's 5 songs on the album itself and it's called AOZORA. I don't really have much to say about the album itself other than it's great, so well done Taka and I'm expecting another one soon! :3 I'd also like to point out if you haven't already read his cell phone novels, you should go ahead and do it now because they're so addictive...and seriously, once you've read your first one you won't be able to stop! But this post is about Taka as a singer, so I'll try and avoid just going on about Taka as a novelist because really they're two separate things! So check out his facebook, twitter and buy his album~ (you can either get the physical album or just download the songs, but if you've got a netbook like I have and don't think you'll be able to get the CD onto your iTunes? Buy the album anyway because once you've purchased the physical album, you can download the songs directly from the Internet anyway and it's always nice having real life albums!) ...Also, just like to point out that this was my first ever parcel from Canada! Yay Canada! ^^
PS: Just like to point out that you may be needing some handwriting lessons if you get mega famous Taka? ;D xDDD